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Cruise Baltic aims to deliver the greenest cruise experience in the world

22 July - Cruise Baltic ports and destinations stand together in the aim to create a green and sustainable cruise experience in the Baltic Sea. That was one of the results of the Cruise Baltic summit recently held in Kalmar in Sweden. Cruise Baltic recently held two FAM trips as well as the second summit in the city of Kalmar in the Southern part of Sweden. Here a large number of representatives from cruise destinations, cruise ports as well as cruise lines participated and discussed a number of relevant subjects that concern the Baltic Sea area as a cruise destination. One of the subjects that were on the table was the new demands and regulations regarding sustainability set by HELCOM that are to come into force in 2019 and 2021. In this regard the network decided to work with the new demands as a branding tool.

This in order to strengthen the brand of the Baltic Sea area as a green destination for guests, both when it comes to social, economic and environmental sustainability. “A lot of concrete initiatives have been taken in this field - among others in the port areas – and more things are to come. What we as a network can decide upon is to work with these initiatives together with the cruise lines and other stakeholders in a positive way and secure the Baltic Sea area a green profile. We would like to make the Baltic Sea known as the greenest cruise destination in the world,” Claus Bødker, Director, Cruise Baltic says. The FAM trips were held prior and after the Cruise Baltic summit in Kalmar. On the first FAM trip the cruise line executives visited Klaipeda, Tallinn, Saaremaa, Arendal, Kristiansand and Oslo and the second FAM trip went to destinations as Malmoe, Elsinore, Lübeck-Travemünde and Rostock- Warnemünde.

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