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ICS Chairman Commends China's Positive Engagement With IMO December

29, 2017 - The Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Mr Esben Poulsson, has praised the positive role played by the Chinese Government in supporting the global regulatory framework for merchant shipping provided by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO). In his keynote speech to the Marintec conference in Shanghai, Mr Poulsson welcomed China's close adherence to the implementation of national maritime regulations, applicable to visiting foreign-flag ships, in a manner consistent with the international maritime safety and pollution prevention Conventions adopted by IMO. He said that China generally avoided the tendency – unfortunately displayed by some other IMO Member States – towards adopting unilateral shipping regulations at variance to rules agreed internationally. EU Member States, for example, despite what were understood to be undertakings to the contrary, appear to be pressing ahead with the implementation of a regional CO2 data collection system for ships (including visiting non-EU flag ships) which is very different to that agreed by IMO for global application. The United States, meanwhile, shows no signs of ever ratifying the IMO Ballast Water Convention, and has adopted type-approval standards for the new treatment systems required that are different to those agreed by IMO. This creates enormous practical and legal challenges for ship operators which trade to the United States.

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